Início » The women and men Joe Biden wants to take to the White House

The women and men Joe Biden wants to take to the White House

Ana Tulha

With triumph guaranteed in the American presidential elections – even if Trump remains committed to claiming victory and contesting the results until the last consequences – Biden now has the demanding mission of choosing who will integrate the next Administration. Among plausible hypotheses and uncertainties to be made official, “Notícias Magazine” gives you to know ten of the names that appear in the front line. Five men, five women.

Before taking office as President of the United States on January 20, Joe Biden has the difficult task of choosing the cast to accompany him and Kamala Harris for the next four years. A mission as much more cunning the greater the expectations that the World places on the next American Administration – especially after four troubled years with Donald Trump. Biden, who has already announced the appointment of his adviser Ron Klain as chief of staff, has promised to unite the country and there is great curiosity as to whether this promise will be put into practice in the composition of the Executive. It is hoped that the new government will find a balance between moderates and progressives and there is even an expectation that names from the Republican Party will be included. A record number of women is also expected for key management positions. But, as the football slang says, predictions.

Read more in Portuguese at Notícias Magazine.

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