Início » João Lourenço pressured to accuse Manuel Vicente

João Lourenço pressured to accuse Manuel Vicente

The consultant Eurasia considered today that the economic crisis and the growing popular discontent in Angola will lead the Government to deepen the fight against corruption, reaching the former vice-president Manuel Vicente.

“João Lourenço is consolidating control in the Popular Movement for the Liberation of Angola (MPLA, in power) through his efforts against corruption and hopes to win popular support for this campaign at a time when protests against corruption scandals in the country continue. your government, ”write analysts Darias Jonker and Britanny Hughes.

In a comment on the latest developments in the country, these analysts say that “with the accumulation of public debt and discontent with the economy, João Lourenço will increase efforts to recover the estimated US $ 24 billion [€ 20.21 billion] that Angola lost to corruption during the regime led by José Eduardo dos Santos ”.

For analysts, the President is being pressured to investigate the former vice president and his adviser for the oil sector, Manuel Vicente, and could use the same strategy he used to revoke the immunity of former minister Manuel Rabelais.

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