Início » Mozambican businessman abducted in central Maputo by four armed men

Mozambican businessman abducted in central Maputo by four armed men

Ismael Harron was questioned by an armed man, when he was going to a barber shop that works in an office and housing building in the center of Maputo. The abduction was confirmed by the spokesman for the Maputo police command to the Mozambican newspaper O País

A Mozambican businessman was abducted today in central Maputo by four armed men, reported the daily O País. Leonel Muchina, spokesman for the Police of the Republic of Mozambique (PRM) command in the city of Maputo, confirmed the abduction to the Mozambican newspaper. Leonel Muchina said the authorities are on the ground investigating the case.

“We are associated with the National Criminal Investigation Service and subsequent work is now underway,” said Leonel Muchina, without going into details about the occurrence. The victim was questioned by an armed man, when he was going to a barber shop that works in an office and housing building in the center of Maputo, after getting out of the vehicle that was being driven by someone else. The man forced the businessman into a car in which three people were armed.

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