Início » Mia Couto: “A large part of the Catholic Church was compolicit with the dictatorship”

Mia Couto: “A large part of the Catholic Church was compolicit with the dictatorship”

João Céu e Silva

The Mozambican writer’s new novel can be summed up in one of the interview responses: “Memory is always a choice. In Mozambique, we live a history in which everything seems still recent. We have not yet learned to erase our forgetfulness. ” A narrative that recalls a time from the colonial presence to the tragic cyclone Idai

It is one of the most emotional novels that the Mozambican writer has published in his career. It is called The Absence Mapper and the main scenario is the year 1973, of which Mia Couto describes the massacre of Inhaminga perpetrated by the Portuguese armed forces. In parallel, he narrates the protagonist’s son’s trip to the city of Beira, where he is caught by the tragedy caused by Cyclone Idai, which last year destroyed this region.

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