Início » Situation in the district of Muidumbe, Cabo Delgado, is “critical” and “very unstable”

Situation in the district of Muidumbe, Cabo Delgado, is “critical” and “very unstable”

The Episcopal Conference of Mozambique today classified as “critical” and “very unstable” the situation in the district of Muidumbe, Cabo Delgado, from where reports of murders including beheadings emerged a week ago.

“The perception we have is that it is a very desolate situation, which needs a somewhat blunt intervention to clarify what is going on, but first we have to find a way to welcome all these people” fleeing the district, said João Carlos, Bishop of Chimoio (provincial capital of Manica, central Mozambique), at a press conference in Maputo.

The prelate speaks of blunt performance in the sense that “it takes courage” to reach some places and to better informed witnesses who can clarify “a situation that changes from one moment to the next”.

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