Início » Pfizer CEO won 4.7 million shares on the day the Covid-19 vaccine was announced

Pfizer CEO won 4.7 million shares on the day the Covid-19 vaccine was announced

The CEO of Pfizer sold 132,508 shares on the same day it was announced that the vaccine that this pharmaceutical company is developing has shown 90% effectiveness

Pfizer CEO Albert Bourla sold 60% of his shares in the North American pharmaceutical company, for a total of 132,508 titles, on November 9, the day it was announced that the covid-19 vaccine the company is developing in partnership with the German company BioNTech, it was 90% effective, El Economista said.

Albert Bourla, Pfizer CEO, at the center of the image
This transaction complies with SEC Rule 10b5-1 (SEC is the US Securities and Exchange Commission), which allows directors and employees of a company to pre-determine a stock sale plan in accordance with the regulations to avoid investments with based on inside information and confidential material.

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