Início » ‘One country, two systems’ ended in Hong Kong, says Macau deputy Au Kam San

‘One country, two systems’ ended in Hong Kong, says Macau deputy Au Kam San

Diana do Mar com TDM - Canal Macau

Au Kam San considers the disqualification of four Hong Kong pro-democracy deputies, decided yesterday in Beijing, to be “regrettable”, with immediate effect and without the right to appeal which, in his view, “means that the ‘One country, two systems’ principle ended”.

Speaking to TDM-Canal Macau, the pro-democracy deputy argues that, given that Macau shares the same model idealized by Deng Xiaoping, the threat extends to Macau.

“The‘ One country, two systems ’principle is implemented in Hong Kong and Macau. When in Hong Kong this sad state arrives, given that [the two regions] are closely interdependent, Macau is also threatened ”.

Read more in Portuguese at TDM – Rádio Macau.

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