Início » ‘It has to stop being a country of pussies’, says Bolsonaro on Covid-19

‘It has to stop being a country of pussies’, says Bolsonaro on Covid-19

With the world under the shadow of a second wave of the Covid-19 pandemic, President Jair Bolsonaro said on Tuesday, 10, that Brazil has to stop being a country of pussies and face the disease.

“Everything is now pandemic, you have to end this business, man. I’m sorry about the dead, I’m sorry. We’re all going to die one day, everybody’s going to die here. There’s no point in running away from it, running away from reality. It has to stop being a country of pussies, he said in a ceremony at the Planalto Palace.

In Brazil, 5.675 million people were infected with the new coronavirus, and 162,600 people died as a result of the disease.

Countries in Europe, which witnessed a worsening situation at the beginning of the year even before the disease hit Brazil hard, have again enacted stricter isolation measures in the face of the second wave of the disease.

“Here they begin to frighten Brazilian people with second wave. You have to face it, it’s life,” the president said. “We have to face, (have) open chest, fight,” Bolsonaro added.

The president again criticized decisions by mayors and governors to restrict activities in the most critical period of the pandemic in Brazil and compared the measures to “dictatorship stuff”. “Handcuffing a woman in a bikini on the beach is cowardice, a dictatorship thing. And they call me a dictator,” he said.

“I have, as head of state, to make decisions that I have not been allowed to make. What we lacked was not a leader, but to let the leader work,” he said.

Bolsonaro cited research, according to him not yet proven, that would show that the number of deaths by covid do not reach 20% of the total deaths in the country.

“You have no affection, no feeling? I do, for everyone who died. But it was oversized,” he said.

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