Início » Angolan President wants to build “closer” relationship with Biden

Angolan President wants to build “closer” relationship with Biden

The President of the Republic of Angola, João Lourenço, said that he is “looking forward” to work with the elected President of the United States of America (USA), Joe Biden, and to build a “closer relationship” between the two countries.

“Congratulations President-elect Joe Biden and Vice-President Kamala Harris for your victory! I look forward to working with you to build a closer relationship between Angola and the United States of America, ”the Angolan head of state wrote on the social network Twitter earlier this evening.

Democratic candidate Joe Biden was announced on Saturday as the winner of the November 3 presidential election. Biden defeated Republican candidate and current US President, Donald Trump, according to various projections by American media outlets, such as CNN, The New York Times, The Guardian, among others.

Democrat Kamala Harris will be the country’s first female vice president.

The President-elect – who will be the 46th in the United States – said on Saturday that it was necessary to “heal” the country’s wounds, “unite” instead of “divide” and put an “end to the era of demonization”.

The covid-19 pandemic – which sparked an economic crisis and rising unemployment – and demonstrations against racism, the extreme right and police violence are plaguing the country.

Donald Trump has not yet acknowledged the electoral defeat and went so far as to say he was being ‘robbed’, however, despite successive accusations of electoral fraud, the current US head of state has provided no evidence that this has happened.

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