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The President has changed, all that remains is to change America …

Arsénio Reis*

“Yes, we can make America great again”

Since there was no strong quotes from the Joe Biden campaign, the elected President of the United States, I use the campaign phrases of his predecessors. It seems to me that if we put them together it would give a good motto for the four years that Biden faces.

For those who, like me, like words, it is not a good sign the absence of a strong phrase that was repeated during the long process that led Joe Biden to the White House.

From this campaign, where it is not clear (as has happened in others) whether American voters voted for the Democratic candidate or against the Republican Donald Trump, we hold as essential the idea that the elected President wants to lead the 50 United States again … United .

I do not underestimate the task, which seems to be decisive for the future of the country and the world, after the administration of Donald Trump.

The president so far has not even acknowledged defeat in his usual concession speech. A common but not mandatory practice.

Joe Biden does not needTrump to acknowledge defeat to assume a presidency, but for an announced task of a country that would be important.
Tolerance is an essential factor in building democracy. The democratic regime lives on polarizations, but when they become excessive, they impede the essential understandings of governance.

Internally and externally, the last years of the life of the world’s greatest economic power were not marked by tolerance, by respect for differences, nor were they based on the truth. Whether it was convenient or not.

This is an inheritance from Joe Biden. A polarized country, broken in half, where, in spite of everything, the level of participation gives a lesson of democratic vitality to several countries in the world.

A country grappling with the health and economic consequences of a pandemic that is still a tenant of the White House, insisted on devaluing, allowing for its relatively unrestrained growth for some time.

The task of joining states also has an external aspect. Joe Biden will do well to extend his hand again (not in a sign of weakness, but in understanding) in countries that have been treated with their feet or literally elbowed for the past four years.

America has changed President, but you need to see if it is available to change as a country. If they can (We can) remake a great country (Make America Great Again). Without both, there will always be many discontent.


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