Início » Biden begins transition with focus on Covid and review of Trump acts

Biden begins transition with focus on Covid and review of Trump acts

Democrat is already studying what measures he will cancel as soon as he takes command of the country.

Joe Biden will not take over the United States until January 20, but he has already established that his priority once he reaches the White House will be to undo a series of measures taken by his predecessor, Donald Trump.

Areas such as foreign policy, climate change and, especially, the fight against the coronavirus pandemic should focus the attention of the new president at the beginning of his term.

The Democrat spent most of this Sunday (8), the first day after the election victory was confirmed, at his home in Wilmington, Delaware, and left only to go to mass – he is a Catholic – and to visit the tomb of children.
For this Monday (9), however, Biden has already warned that he will make his government’s first major announcement, appointing a task force to combat Covid-19 in the United States.

Doctor Vivek Murthy, who worked in the administration of Barack Obama, must be one of the group’s leaders and responsible for publicly defending the use of masks and other measures of social detachment.

The Democrat’s goal, therefore, is to establish a contrast with Trump from the beginning of the transition. The Republican has downplayed the severity of the pandemic several times and has clashed with doctors and scientists about the best forms of treatment and prevention.

According to the American press, Biden wants to show the population of the country and the world that he will work seriously and that his management will be very different from that of the Republican.

Read more in portuguese at Folha de S.Paulo

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