Início » The refuge of the greatest treasure of the Templars may have been Portugal

The refuge of the greatest treasure of the Templars may have been Portugal

João Céu e Silva

The publisher of Canal História insists on not forgetting the Templars and comes to bookstores a book on the search for the Holy Grail that frames the role of Portugal and the fortress of Tomar in the survival of that order: The Secret History of the Templars.

The title of one of the several chapters of The Secret History of the Templars does not ignore Portugal’s role in the events and myths created around one of the most important medieval orders: Port ‑ u ‑ graal: the fortress of Tomar. It is no accident that Portugal returns to all investigations and that this new book from Canal História dedicates dozens of pages to a topic that has interested countless historians and even philosophers such as Umberto Eco in his novel O Pendulo de Foucault.

In this pre-publication, in addition to the history of the Order, there is a big question about the treasures of the Templars who will have escaped the papal decree that abolished the institution and the persecution and death of the main Templar knights: found by the Templars, where would they have taken them? ”

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