Início » Foreign investment in China hits record in 2019

Foreign investment in China hits record in 2019

Huang Yixuan

China’s foreign investment in 2019 reached a new record high amid stronger opening up policies and a better business environment.

The Ministry of Commerce issued the annual Statistical Bulletin of Foreign Direct Investment in China 2020 on Thursday at the third China International Import Expo, which covers the overall foreign investment situation on the Chinese mainland for the whole year of 2019.

According to the bulletin, foreign investment attracted by the mainland hit a new all-time high last year, with the actual use of foreign capital totaling US$141.23 billion, an increase of 2.1 percent year on year, ranking second globally in scale. The cumulative amount of actual use of foreign capital by December 2019 reached US$2.29 trillion.

The number of foreign-invested enterprises newly established in China last year reached 41,000, bringing the cumulative number as of December 2019 above 1 million.

“In 2019, China launched more opening-up measures and further expanded market access, optimized foreign investment policies, enhanced the rule of law, upgraded open platforms, and optimized the business environment,” said Zong Changqing, director of foreign investment department at the ministry.

“As a result, China has achieved a larger scale of foreign capital absorbed, with optimized structure as well as higher quality and efficiency of foreign investment.”

Read more in Shanghai Daily

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