Início » Covid-19: Largest Chinese television promotes Macau’s tourism

Covid-19: Largest Chinese television promotes Macau’s tourism

China’s largest television network will promote Macau as a “safe place without Covid-19”, to attract more chinese visitors during the upcoming festive seasons, such as Christmas, New Year and Chinese New Year.

Macau’s Secretary for Social Affairs and Culture, Ao Ieong U, confirmed the promotion program, reinforcing the image that “Macau is now very safe”, referring to the fact that there are no cases of Covid-19 in the territory since June 26th.

In addition to the program, various activities will be organized in the last two months of the year, including the Macau Grand Prix, the Gastronomy Festival and several other events spread throughout the city in order to boost “the sectors of civil construction, restaurants, wholesale and retail trade, advertising etc., which is significant in the face of the economic slowdown, ” she added.

These initiatives aim to encourage Chinese visitors to enter the territory, on whom Macau’s economy depends a lot. After the reopening of individual and group visas from mainland China to the territory on September 23, suspended since the beginning of the pandemic, the Government expected the week around the celebrations of National Day of China (the so-called “Golden Week” ) could help to face the losses in the gambling capital of the world, in crisis due to border restrictions and the absence of tourists.

In September, 449,085 visitors arrived, 97.7% more than in August. Despite this, compared to September 2019, the number of visitors decreased by 83.8%.

The Central China Television (CCTV), as well as other media and even celebrities from the interior of China, will be in the Macau “to present, on the spot, the great events and tourist attractions of the city”, detailed Ao Ieong U .

Macau had 46 infected people, but it has no active case or detected any local outbreak, it was one of the first territories to suffer the impact of the economic crisis caused by the Covid-19 pandemic.

Border restrictions and preventive measures have almost paralyzed the economy, whose engine is gambling, with casinos posting unprecedented losses.

The official has been making public that the ignorance of the non-mandatory 14-day quarantine on the part of many potential Chinese visitors has been one of the problems for tourism in the territory late in starting.

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