Início » ‘I turned queer, just like Maranhão men,’ Bolsonaro says after drinking pink soda

‘I turned queer, just like Maranhão men,’ Bolsonaro says after drinking pink soda

President Jair Bolsonaro (no party) made a homophobic joke on Thursday (29) on his first official visit to Maranhão. Again without a mask and in the middle of a crowd.

While heading for the second appointment of the day, leaving the capital São Luís towards the city of Imperatriz, Bolsonaro joked homophobicly after drinking a glass of guarana Jesus, a typical drink of the state.

In the midst of a large crowd of people and without wearing a mask, the president had fun with the pink color of the drink. Soon after drinking the first sips, he began making jokes with people close to him while his team was broadcasting live on their social networks.

“Now I’ve turned queer. Like Maranhão men, is that it?” said the president with laughter. “Guarana pink of Maranhão here, who takes this guarana here becomes Maranhão people”, later amended Bolsonaro, showing the drink.

Read more in Folha de S. Paulo

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