Início » Cabo Delgado: Government admits geostrategic importance of hydrocarbons in the conflict

Cabo Delgado: Government admits geostrategic importance of hydrocarbons in the conflict

The interior minister of Mozambique admitted that “it is not to be neglected any geostrategic interest” of hydrocarbons as one of the factors of the conflict in the north of the country, in Cabo Delgado.

The minister says that natural resources have attracted international groups, including criminal associations.

Amade Miquidade spoke yesterday in parliament, in response to questions from deputies of the Assembly of the Republic (AR) about the Government’s strategy to combat armed groups that have been carrying out attacks in the region for three years.

According to Amade, the expansion of terrorism in Mozambique is coupled with several weaknesses that the country presents, such as poaching, fragile border protection, the criminal opportunism of some Mozambicans and, finally, multinational strategies and offensives.

“Terrorism has a relationship with resources and resources with terrorism and it is this evil that we deal with”, he emphasized.

Amade Miquidade pointed out that the armed conflict in northern Mozambique is fueled and motivated by a very deep criminal dimension and with international connections.

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