Início » 11,000 candidates with assets above R$ 300,000 received emergency aid

11,000 candidates with assets above R$ 300,000 received emergency aid

Marcelo Rocha

The TCU (Federal Court of Auditors) in Brazil identified almost 11,000 candidates who declared to the Electoral Court to have assets of more than R$ 300,000 and who received emergency aid.

Of this total, according to the court survey of accounts, 1,320 candidates have assets that add up to more than R $ 1 million.

The aid of R$ 600 per month was created by the federal government as a policy to deal with the financial crisis resulting from the coronavirus pandemic.
The information was presented on Wednesday (28) during the trial session of the TCU by the rapporteur of the matter, judge Bruno Dantas. The analysis was made from a representation of the Public Prosecutor’s Office.

“It is perplexing to imagine that a person who has assets of this group and, even so, is willing to request the receipt of emergency aid can be elected and manage the public thing and the life of the community,” Dantas said.

Read more in Folha de S. Paulo

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