Início » White House publishes Ending The COVID-19 Pandemic as Trump’s feat

White House publishes Ending The COVID-19 Pandemic as Trump’s feat

Filipe Sousa

The White House scientific office has put “ending the Covid-19 pandemic” as one of the key accomplishments of the Trump administration’s first term, even though new cases of coronavirus are rapidly increasing across the country. Currently many hospitals across the country are close to maximum capacity.

The press release was received by U.S. newsrooms and generated astonishment in major U.S. media. Forbes, Politico, USA Today did not take long to make public the content of the release sent by White House scientists.

President Trump prefers to ignore the severity of the pandemic and the alarming rise in cases in the Us. On Friday, at an event in Florida, the president told his supporters that the pandemic was going to “end quickly” and that “we’re turning around, we’re turning around, we’re turning around, we’re turning around beautifully.”

On Saturday, he said: “We are turning around. We’re doing great. Our numbers are amazing.”

After the weekend, already in Pennsylvania, Trump said, “It’s ending anyway. We’re turning around. It’s ending anyway.”

For U.S. leaders, Americans are “tired” of hearing about Covid-19, and the media is spending too much time covering outbreaks and subsequent deaths. “Until November 4, Fake News Media is just Covid, Covid, Covid. We’re turning around,” Trump tweeted Tuesday morning.

Former President Barack Obama criticized Trump on Tuesday: “More than 225,000 people in this country are dead. More than 100,000 small businesses have closed. And what’s your closing argument? That people are too focused on Covid.”

Obama even accused Trump of being jealous of the pandemic. “Covid, Covid, Covid, he’s complaining. You’re jealous of Covid’s media coverage. If he had been focused on Covid from the start, the cases would not reach new records across the country this week.”

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