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“Pemba is saturated and there are no conditions to receive more displaced people”

More than seven thousand people fleeing from various locations in Cabo Delgado arrived in Pemba during the week and all need humanitarian aid. In an interview with the Center for Democracy and Development, the Bishop of the Diocese of Pemba, Luiz Fernando Lisboa, says that the city is saturated and there are no conditions to receive more displaced persons

“But we cannot prohibit people from seeking refuge in Pemba,” admits the Bishop of Pemba in an interview with the Center for Democracy and Development (CDD), available on the NGO’s website. Regarding the future of Cabo Delgado, the Bishop of Pemba has no doubts as to who is coming the most difficult days. “Unfortunately, there is no forecast that this suffering will end soon, due to everything that we are going through and because of the answers that are being given”.

In the interview, Bishop Luiz Fernando Lisboa describes the situation of thousands of displaced people as being “public calamity”. Thousands of people arrive in small overcrowded boats. People arrive in terrible condition, dehydrated, sick and other wounds. Upon arrival they receive a small health assistance and a hot meal, but many people are in the Paquitequete, is a sea of ​​people. In addition to the displaced people who are arriving, there are those who arrived a long time ago and are still in Paquite looking for food ”.

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