Início » Luanda governor calls “act of vandalism” the protest on Saturday with UNITA support

Luanda governor calls “act of vandalism” the protest on Saturday with UNITA support

The governor of Luanda considered the demonstration by members of civil society, with the support of UNITA, “an act of vandalism and contempt for the authorities”. Six journalists were arrested at the protest and UNITA deputy Nelito Ekuikui complained of police aggression

Joana Lino, governor of Luanda, took stock of the damage caused by the demonstrators, regretted what happened and said that it was with a lot of “sadness and displacement” that she followed the violation of the measures contained in the presidential decree that updates the situation of public calamity in Angola by cause of Covid-19. She classified the demonstration as an “act of vandalism and contempt for the authorities”.

For his part, the president of the Union of Journalists of Angola (SJ) today regretted the police’s performance during Saturday’s demonstration in Luanda and reported that six journalists were arrested, one of whom was beaten by the police. Speaking to Lusa, Teixeira Cândido repudiated the events and said that three journalists from Radio Essential were arrested, as well as their driver, two from TV Zimbo (a reporter and a cameraman) and a photographer from the French news agency AFP.

On Saturday, UNITA deputy Nelito Ekuikui said he was attacked by the Angolan police in the protest and estimated that about 40 young people who participated in the demonstration will have been arrested.

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