Início » US government offers credit to Brazilian companies for not buying Huawei

US government offers credit to Brazilian companies for not buying Huawei

Ricardo Della Coletta e Julio Wiziack

US agencies offer financing to purchase 5G equipment from other manufacturers

In yet another step in the offensive to prevent Huawei’s advance in the future 5G market, the United States government promises to offer credit, through official agencies, for Brazilian telecommunications giants to acquire components from competitors of the Chinese company.

Credit operations for Vivo, Claro and Tim, among others, to buy equipment from suppliers such as Ericsson and Nokia should be offered by the DFC (US International Development Finance Corporation), a state institution created by the Donald Trump government to support strategic geopolitical objectives of Washington. There is also the possibility of support via Exim Bank (Bank of Export and Import of the USA).

Read more in Folha de S.Paulo

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