Início » Ministry of Health closes agreement with São Paulo to purchase Coronavac

Ministry of Health closes agreement with São Paulo to purchase Coronavac

Igor Gielow, Natália Cancian

The Minister of Health, Eduardo Pazuello, has signed an agreement with the state of São Paulo to purchase 46 million doses of Coronavac, a vaccine from Chinese drugmaker Sinovac that will be produced in Brazil by the Butantan Institute, at a cost of R$ 2.6 billion, by December this year.

In a meeting with governors on Tuesday (20), Pazuello, said he will incorporate Coronavac in the National Immunization Program, thus putting it on the national schedule.

The appeals, according to Folha de São Paulo, should be released by provisional measure.

The federal government has the contract to obtain 140 million doses —100 million of the partnership between AstraZeneca and Oxford University and 40 million from the Covax Facility, led by the WHO (World Health Organization).

With the purchase of doses also from Coronavac, the total expected to be offered should reach 186 million.

Read more in Folha de S. Paulo

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