Início » Bolsonaro fires ally senator caught with money between his buttocks

Bolsonaro fires ally senator caught with money between his buttocks

Ricardo Della Coletta

The President of Brazil dismissed Senator Chico Rodrigues from the post of deputy parliamentary leader of the government in the Senate , once he was caught by the Federal Police with cash hidden between his buttocks

President Jair Bolsonaro (without a party) removed Senator Chico Rodrigues (DEM-RR) from the vice-leadership of the government in the Senate. The parliamentarian was targeted on Wednesday (14) by a Federal Police operation in Roraima, when agents caught him with cash in his underwear.

Rodrigues’ departure from the post was made official in an extra edition of the Federal Official Gazette. “Under the terms of art. 66-A of the Internal Regulations of this House of National Congress, in response to the request of Mr. Senator Francisco de Assis Rodrigues, I request arrangements for his dismissal from the function of Deputy Leader of the Government in the Federal Senate ”, says the dispatch of Bolsonaro.

Read more in Folha de S.Paulo

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