Início » Traces of the 12th century mosque discovered in the Lisbon Cathedral will be preserved

Traces of the 12th century mosque discovered in the Lisbon Cathedral will be preserved

Ministry of Culture decided that vestiges of the old Almoravid mosque should be preserved, musealized and integrated in the restoration and musealization project of the Patriarchal See of Lisbon

The remains of the old Almoravid mosque, recently discovered in the works of requalification and restoration of the cloister of the Cathedral of Lisbon, must be kept in place, as determined by the Ministry of Culture, the Government announced today.

“In view of the most recent archaeological findings, and taking into account the patrimonial value of the discovered structures, the Ministry of Culture decided, in dialogue with the Patriarchate of Lisbon”, that these “should be preserved, musealized and integrated in the recovery and musealization project of the Sé Patriarcal de Lisboa ”, reads in the communiqué of the Ministry of Culture.

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