Início » Portugal returns to the state of calamity. Use of mask on public roads recommended

Portugal returns to the state of calamity. Use of mask on public roads recommended

“We can classify the evolution of the pandemic in Portugal as a serious evolution,” said Prime Minister António Costa, who announced eight new measures, including gatherings of no more than 5 people and a limit of 50 people at weddings or baptisms

“It is necessary to continue with non-covid hospital activity and face-to-face teaching. Control of the pandemic depends on each one of us, ”said António Costa. “

Eight measures: a) raise the level of alert to a state of calamity, enabling the government to adopt, whenever necessary, the measures that are justified to contain the pandemic, from circulation issues to others; b) as of midnight today, there will be no more than five people gatherings, the same being applied in restaurants; c) limit family events, such as weddings or baptisms, to a maximum of 50 participants; d) prohibit educational establishments from all academic celebrations; e) to determine the security forces and ASAE to reinforce inspection on public roads and in commercial and catering establishments; f) increase fines of up to 10 thousand euros to legal persons that do not comply with current rules; g) strongly recommend to all citizens the use of a community mask on the public road whenever there are other people on the public road and use of the STAY AWAY COVID application; h) to present to the Assembly of the Republic a law proposal to impose the obligation to wear a mask on public roads and to use the STAY AWAY COVID application ”.

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