Início » Children and teenagers lead increase of infections since the beginning of school year

Children and teenagers lead increase of infections since the beginning of school year

Nuno Guedes

Medical appointments at health centers have also multiplied by five because of Covid-19 in ages under 20. Doctors stress that the greatest danger is, however, for grandparents

Children and young people under the age of 20 are the age groups where the confirmed cases of Covid-19 have increased the most in the last month, since the beginning of the new school year.

Between September 13th (the day before school started again) and yesterday, October 13th, in children under 10 years old the increase was 52.7% (+1,312 confirmed infections).

According to TSF radio and data from the Portuguese Health Bureau (DGS), the increase was even more accentuated in ages between 10 and 19 years: + 64.8%, that is, more than 2.126 cases.

In all other age groups the increase was much lower, although the growth trend is common to all.

After children and teenagers, the third group where Covid-19 is most advanced is between 20 and 29 years old: + 42.7%. In the age groups of 30 to 49 years, the increase is around 39%; and between 50 and 79 years of age it approaches 37%.

At the other extreme, older elderly people, over 80 years old, are the group with the highest risk of complications and also the one where the new coronavirus has grown less in the last month: + 25%.

Read more in Portuguese at TSF

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