Início » Billionaire Elon Musk’s space odyssey inspires HBO series

Billionaire Elon Musk’s space odyssey inspires HBO series

The multimillionaire entrepreneur Elon Musk will have his space odyssey with SpaceX transposed into a television series being prepared by the HBO chain, this Monday was announced.

According to the international ´online´ portal Deadline, news about cinema, television and video, the actor Channing Tatum will be the producer of this project that will have six episodes created from the book “Elon Musk: The Genius Who is Inventing Ours Future “by Ashlee Vance.

Screenwriter Doug Jung, whose career includes films like “Star Trek Beyond” (2016), is going to write this series, whose names are not yet known for the cast.

Still without a confirmed title, this small screen production will revolve around Musk and his work with SpaceX to recover and boost American space flights in the private sector.

In May, SpaceX was able to take NASA astronauts Bob Behnken and Doug Hurley on one of its reusable rockets to the International Space Station (ERA), in a public-private collaboration in the area of ​​American space exploration.

For now, the entrepreneur, known for his innovative projects, is not involved in this series inspired by his professional life and career.

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