Início » Norwegians choose Cape Verde to produce tuna in aquaculture

Norwegians choose Cape Verde to produce tuna in aquaculture

Norwegian company Nortuna plans to install a large-scale tuna production unit in aquaculture on the island of São Vicente, creating more than 400 jobs.

The announcement of this investment was made this morning by the head of Government, Ulisses Correia e Silva, who welcomes the “effectiveness of the company Nortuna CV SA”, assuming that it is an “excellent project for São Vicente”, which results from the recent signing of a memorandum of understanding between the Ministry of Maritime Economy and the Norwegian company.

“Nortuna, a world reference company in the reproduction of tuna in aquaculture, chose Cape Verde for large-scale production, foreseeing to create more than 400 direct jobs and a total of 1,200 indirect ones”, announced the Prime Minister.

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