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Nobel Peace Prize winner announced today

The Nobel Peace Prize committee today announces the winner of the 2020 edition, which will leave a list of candidates with 211 people and 107 organizations, in a year of uncertainty and global challenges.

The laureate will receive the prize of ten million SEK (almost one million euros), in addition to a diploma and a medal.

The award ceremony will take place on December 10, in Oslo, Norway, and will be attended by only about 100 guests.

Nobel prize specialists are inclined to the hypothesis that the covid-19 pandemic could serve as a pretext for this year’s choice, indicating the World Health Organization as a serious candidate, despite the criticisms that the organization – and its Director-General, Tedros Ghebreysesus – has been subject (notably by the President of the USA, Donald Trump) in managing the health crisis to be a strong impediment.

Still in this scenario of the pandemic serving as a justification for the prize, in the last few hours, some analysts were inclined towards the possibility that New Zealand Prime Minister Jacinda Arden could win, for the way she served as an example in the fight against the spread of the new coronavirus in your country, maintaining one of the lowest levels of contamination.

Criticism of the way the President of the U.S. managed the pandemic could serve, in the opposite direction, to reduce the chances of Donald Trump receiving the prize he himself said he deserves, although he is one of the nominees, on the recommendation of a Republican congressman.

Activist Greta Thunberg is also nominated – but environmental issues will need to dominate the jury’s concerns for the young Swede to be chosen – as will Wikileaks founder Julian Assange, who is on trial in London to see if he will be extradited. to the USA, where he is accused of spying.

Another prominent activist for the prize is Loujain al-Hathloul, who has been fighting for reforms in favor of women’s rights in Saudi Arabia, having been arrested for the way she demonstrates her criticisms of the regime dominated by Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman.

Russian opposition leader Alexey Navalny, who has just recovered from poisoning in Siberia (allegedly committed by the authorities of President Vladimir Putin), is also on the list of nominees, as are the people of Hong Kong, who have been mobilizing in violence. protests against the new security law imposed by Beijing on that semi-autonomous territory.

Non-governmental organizations Reporters Without Borders and the Committee to Protect Journalists are on the list of nominees, in a year in which many media professionals have seen their work impeded or their physical integrity violated.

Experts also put Sudan’s Forces for Freedom and Change movement on the list of potential winners, where a popular revolution managed to oust President Omar al-Bashir.

The United Nations (UN) and the Atlantic Alliance (NATO) also occupy a prominent place, for their insistent attempts to maintain peace in long and hard conflicts, in different parts of the planet, while the diplomatic effort for peace was also highlighted. made by the German Government, so Chancellor Angela Merkel also appears on the list, just a few months from leaving the leadership of her Government.

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