Início » Web Summit is going to be completely online

Web Summit is going to be completely online

The technology event takes place this year entirely online because of the covid-19 pandemic. 100 thousand participants are expected.

It’s decided. The Web Summit takes place this year entirely online for reasons of public health, a decision made “after talks with the Portuguese Government and the city of Lisbon”.

The organization expects 100 thousand participants in the online event and will return in person next year to the city of Lisbon.

This year the event, which will take place from the 2nd to the 4th of December, will have a channel dedicated to Portugal. “Lisbon is still the home of the Web Summit, but with the increasing outbreaks of covid-19 across Europe, we have to think about what is best for the Portuguese and for our participants. The safest and most reasonable answer is to organize the Web Summit completely online in 2020. We hope to receive participants again in Lisbon in 2021 ”, says Paddy Cosgrave, CEO of Web Summit, quoted in a statement.

After Collision from Home, in June – with 30 thousand participants – it is the second event of the organization to be held online, but this time 100 thousand participants are expected to hear about 800 speakers, including the founder of Zoom (of the platforms that most grew during the pandemic), Eric Yuan, European Commissioner Margrethe Vestager, actor Chris Evans (Captain America), scientist Jane Goodall DBE, Facebook CTO Mike Schroepfer, among others.

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