Início » Trump says treatment he received “is a cure” and promises to make it available for free

Trump says treatment he received “is a cure” and promises to make it available for free

President of the United States says he is “trying to get Regeneron authorized” and that the treatment he received is more important than the vaccine

an explanation of the treatment he received to cure covid-19, a promise that he will make it available for free, thanks to God and criticism of China. All of this fit in a four-minute, 53-second video that Donald Trump recorded and posted this Wednesday on Twitter.

At a time when the world is desperate for a vaccine that eliminates the new coronavirus, the President of the United States stated that the treatment he received [an antiviral cocktail from the pharmaceutical company Regeneron with antibodies against Sars-VOC-2] is not a therapy because, in his opinion, it is “a cure”. “We have to approve it, it is more important than the vaccine”, he shot, promising to make the treatment available to all Americans “for free”.

Read more in Portuguese at Diário de Notícias.

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