Início » Escape of investors from Brazil more than doubles in 2020

Escape of investors from Brazil more than doubles in 2020

Fernando Canzian

Total foreign flows will drop from $ 59 billion in 2019 to $ 11 billion; spending ceiling is a test for the return of interest. The flight of investors from Brazil is a reality

The flight of foreign investors from Brazil from risky investments in 2020 is expected to more than double compared to that recorded in 2019.

In total, the balance between applications and withdrawals from non-residents will be negative by US $ 24 billion (R $ 134 billion) between January and December. In 2019, outflows totaled US $ 11.1 billion (R $ 62 billion).

For investments aimed at the productive sector, usually long-term and aimed at expanding commercial and industrial companies, Brazil will also attract much less money this year: around US $ 49 billion, compared to US $ 73 billion in 2019.

Adding different types of inflows and outflows, Brazil will have a positive flow of foreign money in 2020 of just US $ 11 billion, well below the US $ 59 billion in 2019.

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