Início » Gynecologist used his own sperm in artificial inseminations and fathered 17 children

Gynecologist used his own sperm in artificial inseminations and fathered 17 children

A Dutch gynecologist used his own sperm in artificial inseminations without the patients’ knowledge, leading to the birth of at least 17 children, the hospital where the doctor worked said on Tuesday.

Jan Wildschut, who died in 2009, worked between 1981 and 1993 at the fertility clinic at Isala Hospital in Zwolle, in the northern Netherlands.

At least 17 children were conceived through the gynecologist’s practices, the hospital said in a press release, calling the doctor’s actions “morally unacceptable”.

The hospital center, called Sophia Hospital at the time, does not exclude the possibility that Wildschut is the biological father of more children.

The hospital, which became aware of the news at the end of 2019, decided to release it together with the family of the doctor and the children concerned, in order to contribute to “greater transparency” in sperm donation.

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