Início » Brazilian judges receive 36% of the remuneration in extra wages

Brazilian judges receive 36% of the remuneration in extra wages

Fábio Fabrini Leonardo Diegues and Diana Yukari

Saved so far from administrative reform, which aims to cut benefits in the civil service, Brazilian judges have 36% of their earnings made up of various allowances and gratuities

Survey of Folha in 871.2 thousand magistrates’ paychecks, sent to the CNJ (National Council of Justice) by courts in the country from September 2017 to August this year, shows that, of R $ 35.2 billion gross disbursed by the courts, R $ 12.6 billion covered “indemnities, personal and eventual rights”.

In these three baskets, paid in addition to wages, there are benefits such as the third of holidays and the 13th salary, but also a range of aids, such as food, health, pre-school and birth (for initial expenses with children); subsistence allowances; compensation for up to hundreds of accumulated vacation days; gratuities for substitution, exercise of teaching and presidency and representation positions.

Jetons and different other funds also come in, often paid retroactively. The value of the extras gives an idea of ​​the economy for the public coffers if the country decided to liposuction not only the payroll of servers of the three branches, but also that of the judges. In September, the Jair Bolsonaro government sent Congress a proposal to amend the Constitution (PEC) with changes to, in the midst of the fiscal crisis, supposedly to rationalize public service and reduce personnel costs.

Read more in Folha de S.Paulo

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