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How to ensure peace in Mozambique

Two political figures, one from FRELIMO and the other former number two from RENAMO, are unanimous in the need to unite the country and undo the partisanship that segregates it.

In Mozambique, three peace treaties have been signed since 1992. None of them had the desired effects and the country has always plunged into war again. What failed?

Both FRELIMO Teodato Hunguana and former RENAMO number two Raúl Domingos agree that the non-inclusion of national reconciliation as part of the protocol to the General Peace Agreement signed in Rome in 1992 was fundamental for the continuation of national instability .

Domingos was head of the RENAMO delegation at that time. The country “needs something programmatic, which allows this interaction between Mozambicans. From this knowledge, we can have a solution to other issues. Because one of the priorities of peace is trust. We built trust and that was how we had guarantee protocols ”, Domingos told DW Africa.

The politician believes that reconciliation should be one of the goals most sought by both parties, and not the elections. “Making public administration a neutral public service and destined to serve all the people is a requirement that is also imposed at the level of the African Union and the United Nations, through conventions for democratic elections and good governance, among other important national and international instruments ”, He refers, alluding to the alleged electoral fraud of 1994, which he believes to be another cause of armed conflicts.

Teodato Hunguana considers that the country suffers from a disease called “partisanship”. The non-departisation of the state apparatus is a failure in the country and divides the poles even more. “Partisanship means that we stay in distant compartments and Mozambicanity is divided. We are left with a nation from RENAMO and another from FRELIMO. We do not live with this concept of homeland among us ”, he said.

“We are going to see the country’s problems through the hole, through our party window. And we will not share. I think this is a drama for our society and we are not leaving a good legacy that is increasingly consolidated in the nation. ”, He concluded.

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