Início » Migrantes fled from an Army facility in Tavira. One is infected with Covid-19

Migrantes fled from an Army facility in Tavira. One is infected with Covid-19

17 migrants fled the Tavira army facility during the night. Two were arrested, one with a broken foot in the escape

One of the 17 migrants who fled this morning from the Tavira Barracks, is infected with Covid-19. According to information collected by the DN from sources who are following the case, this migrant tested positive this week and was not yet isolated with the other two positives, detected right after the arrival of this group, coming from Morocco, on September 15th.

SEF reports that two of the migrants were detained, one of whom had to be hospitalized. According to what the DN found, a foot broke when he jumped out of the window on the first floor of the barracks.

The migrants made a rope out of the mattress covers and went out through a window. They were in this situation when the PSP detected the leak and raised the alarm. Seven more were left behind, two of whom were isolated with Covid-19.

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