Início » Guterres mourns one million dead and says the world must learn

Guterres mourns one million dead and says the world must learn

The Secretary-General of the United Nations lamented the “chilling” death toll from the covid-19, which has now exceeded one million worldwide, and urged society to learn from mistakes to overcome the pandemic.

“Our world must regret a terrible number today: the loss of a million lives as a result of the covid-19 pandemic,” said António Guterres in a video message.

“They were fathers and mothers, wives and husbands, brothers and sisters, friends and colleagues”, recalled the head of the UN.

Guterres said that although the end of the pandemic is not yet in sight, the world can “overcome this challenge”, but that to do so everyone must “learn from mistakes”.

“Responsible leadership is essential. Science is important. Cooperation is important. Disinformation kills, ”he warned.

The Portuguese asked the entire population to do what they can to save lives, including keeping physical distance, wearing a mask and washing hands, while waiting for a vaccine.

“Although we remember so many lives lost, we never forget that our future depends on solidarity: as a united people and as united nations”, he concluded.

The covid-19 pandemic has already claimed more than one million deaths and more than 33.1 million cases of infection worldwide, according to a report made by the French agency AFP.

The disease is transmitted by a new coronavirus detected in late December in Wuhan, a city in central China.

After Europe succeeded China as the center of the pandemic in February, the American continent is now the one with the most confirmed cases and the most deaths.

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