Início » China’s first ‘online economy’ university opens in Putuo

China’s first ‘online economy’ university opens in Putuo

China’s first university focused on the online economy has been launched in Putuo District to offer new occupational training for the mobile Internet era.

Himalaya University, jointly developed by the Putuo government, Shanghai Huayi Group and Shanghai-based podcast platform Himalaya, was established at Shanghai Information Technology College in the Taopu area of Putuo.

Neighboring the China-Israel Innovation Hub, the university aims to train high-level elite talent for the development of the online new economy, the district government announced on its first talent festival on Sunday.

Three colleges have been set up at the university, said Jiang Peiyi, vice president with the Shanghai Himalaya Tech Co.

These colleges will offer training for podcast hosts based on content on the Himalaya platform, as well as professional education for livestreaming sales and the cultivation of online personalities.

“The university will help more young people find employment and make achievements in the new economy era,” Jiang said.

During the height of the COVID-19 pandemic, digital services became a lifeline for millions of people subjected to lockdowns and shelter-in-place orders. The business volumes and revenues of online new economy sectors, mainly in e-commerce, electronic sports, smart education, intelligent life and innovative products sectors, have been growing rapidly.

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