Início » Magawa, the mouse that detects landmines, was distinguished for bravery

Magawa, the mouse that detects landmines, was distinguished for bravery

He was trained to detect mines and “for his bravery that saves lives” he received a gold medal. This mouse has already discovered 39 land mines, after being “formed” by an association in Belgium.

Magawa is a giant African rat that was trained to detect landmines and in Cambodia showed service. It has been so effective that it has now been awarded a gold medal for its “bravery that saves lives and devotion to duty”.

Known as the hero rat, it is the most successful animal that was trained by APOPO, an institution based in Belgium, specialized in training animals for detection. Since receiving training, Magawa has discovered 39 landmines and 28 unexploded ordnance, clearing more than 141,000 square meters, the equivalent of 20 football fields.

He was formally honored with a miniature PDSA gold medal, an award presented annually by a British veterinary association, People’s Dispensary for Sick Animals. It is the first rat to receive a PDSA medal since the charity began to honor animals 77 years ago.

Until now, dogs, horses, pigeons and a cat had been awarded.

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