Início » Ambassador asks for choice between USA and China. Government says that Portugal decides

Ambassador asks for choice between USA and China. Government says that Portugal decides

The Minister of Foreign Affairs, Augusto Santos Silva, guarantees that the decision maker in Portugal is the Government, in response to statements by the United States Ambassador, who demanded that Lisbon choose between its allies and China.

The head of Portuguese diplomacy commented, in statements to the Lusa agency, and an interview by George Glass to the Portuguese weekly “Expresso”, in which he defended that Portugal has to choose between the “friends and allies” USA and the “economic partner” China, warning that choosing China on issues such as 5G could have defense implications.

“The Portuguese Government records the statements […]. But the fundamental point is this: in Portugal, the decision-makers are the Portuguese authorities, who make the decisions that interest Portugal, within the framework of the Constitution and Portuguese law and the powers that the law attributes to the different to the different relevant authorities ” , said.

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