Início » NASA announces program to take first woman to the Moon in 2024

NASA announces program to take first woman to the Moon in 2024

Andreia Verdélio

Before that, the US space agency will launch two flight tests around the satellite; mission will serve as preparation for trip to Mars

NASA, the United States space agency, has announced plans for a new moon mission that will include a man and a woman. The landing on the lunar surface should happen in 2024, in the Artemis 3 mission, third phase of the Artemis Program.

Before that, NASA will launch two flight tests around the satellite to check the performance, life support and communication capabilities of the rocket and the capsule where astronauts will travel. The first mission is prepared for 2021, without astronauts, and Artemis 2 will be with the crew in 2023.

The agency’s objective is, in collaboration with commercial and international partners, to establish sustainable exploration of the lunar surface by the end of the decade. “So, we will use what we learn on and around the Moon to take the next giant leap – sending astronauts to Mars,” says NASA.

The first time that the man was on the Moon was in 1969, with the Apollo 11 mission. By the same program, in 1972, NASA made the last manned trip to the satellite.

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