Início » Twenty years of Special One: only Guardiola shadows Mourinho

Twenty years of Special One: only Guardiola shadows Mourinho

It was on September 23, 2000 that José Mourinho showed himself for the first time as head coach. The GAME marks the arrival of the Special One at the 20-year career looking at the successes of the coach, who has won 25 titles, including two Champions and two Europa Leagues, compared to his colleagues on the big stages.

Next Wednesday, José Mourinho celebrates 20 years since the day he first sat on the bench as the head coach, at the time with Benfica and in a game at Bessa. Since then, the Portuguese coach has accumulated 25 titles on the biggest stages in the world and, among them, include two Champions Leagues and two Europe Leagues, something that no one else has, besides adding championships in Portugal, England, Italy and Spain.

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