Início » Trump refuses to promise peaceful power transition if he loses the elections

Trump refuses to promise peaceful power transition if he loses the elections

U.S. President Donald Trump declined this Wednesday to guarantee a peaceful transfer of power if he loses the November elections.

“Well, we’re going to have to see what’s going to happen,” Trump replied at a press conference at the White House when asked if he is committed to one of the most basic principles of democracy in the United States – the transition of peaceful power from president.

Joe Biden was incredulous at Trump’s statements. The Democratic candidate has an advantage over the current president, according to the latest data.

“What country are we in?” Commented the former US vice president. “He (Trump) says the most irrational things. I do not know what to say.”

Biden ended up publishing a Tweet: “It is essential for democracy to have a peaceful power transition. Without that, we are in Belarus. ”

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