Início » Children are main victims of mines in Angola

Children are main victims of mines in Angola

Of the 76 unexploded ordnance victims found in 2019 in Huíla province, 49 are children under the age of 15, 20 of them died and others were maimed, observing an average of 60 accidents / year.

Data on mine victims in Angola were revealed this Thursday in Lubango, by the National Demining Institute, at the opening of a training course for mine risk education and prevention activists.

INAD data indicate that from 2007 to 2017, 14 million, 136 thousand and 478 square meters of land (727 square kilometers) were cleared of mines in the province.

The capital Lubango is the focus at that time, where since last July, 100 anti – personnel mines have been deactivated in Nompaca and Tundavala.

This year, in the aforementioned areas, two incidents with unexploded ordnance were detected, involving children, specifically in the Nambambe neighborhood and in the Arimba commune.

The municipalities of Cacula, Jamba and Matala have also revealed themselves to be areas with the greatest danger of mine accidents in Angola, where re-verification work is currently underway.

According to the Acting Chief of the National Demining Institute (INAD) in the province, Fernando Catiavala, the institute is currently carrying out revision work.

He said that the two-day training will help trainees to disseminate information in communities about the best forms of prevention.

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