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Human rights violations increase in Mozambique, reveals NGO report

Document presented by the Center for Democracy and Development (CDD) concludes that respect for human rights in Mozambique is ceasing to exist

In the first six months of the year, the country will have registered a worrying situation, mainly in the province of Cabo Delgado, where Islamic insurgents have committed atrocities against the local population, Adriano Nuvunga, director of the CDD, told the VOA Português portal. “There are strong suspicions of human rights violations even by the Defense and Security Forces and the Mozambican Government has never investigated the complaints that exist about it.”

Nuvunga recalled that “the exercise of freedom of the press and expression is limited, through the intimidation of activists and media professionals, and in extreme cases with police violence, including arbitrary arrests”.

It should be recalled that the first half of the year was markedly affected by measures of the state of emergency due to the Covid-19 pandemic, and this only made the situation worse.

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