Início » Angolan authorities guarantee support to oil companies

Angolan authorities guarantee support to oil companies

The Association of Exploration and Production Companies of Angola (ACEPA) received, yesterday, from the President of the Republic, João Lourenço, guarantees of a close collaboration between the Government of Angola and the institution, in order to mobilize the necessary resources to continue with the activities in the country.

The information was released to the press by the director-general of ExxonMobil, Andre Kostelnik, at the end of the hearing granted by the Head of State to the organization’s representatives. The manager added that the meeting also served to review the issues related to the progress achieved in recent years, since the last meeting they had with the President of the Republic, in October 2017.

“We discussed issues inherent to our business, the industry, as well as knowing how this industry can work for the benefit of Angola and its people,” he said. The challenges arising from the Covid-19 pandemic were also analyzed, as well as the impact that the crisis is having on the oil industry, in particular, and on the population in general.

Read more in portuguese at Jornal de Angola

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