Início » Woman was executed with 36 shots in Cabo Delgado. Who killed her?

Woman was executed with 36 shots in Cabo Delgado. Who killed her?

A shocking video revealed the harassment and execution of a naked, helpless woman on a road in Cabo Delgado. Amnesty International has analyzed the images and said they are true and accused the armed forces of barbarism. The government says it is propaganda by terrorists.

Mozambique is in shock. A video, shot on the side of the road by men in military uniforms and machine guns, shows the slaughter at point-blank range of a naked, helpless woman and was circulated on social media.

Amnesty International (AI) carried out the laboratory analysis of the elements and guarantees their veracity and has no doubts as to the location: Estrada R698, near an electrical substation, located on the west side of Awasse, in Cabo Delgado.

Undoubtedly, the organization claims that the helpless woman was beaten with a wooden stick, was killed with 36 shots and her naked body was left on the road. The report guarantees that the perpetrators were four men armed with a variety of Kalashnikov rifles and a PKM-type machine gun.

Without total certainty, Amnesty International indicates that the perpetrators of the heinous crime “appeared to be members of the Armed Forces of Defense of Mozambique (FADM)” and that “everyone speaks Portuguese”. In the report, the organization maintains that it spoke to a Mozambican military source at the scene who justified the murder as “witchcraft”.

Terrorist Propaganda

In response, Amade Miquidade, interior minister, says that this video is “deceptive propaganda aimed at blaming the Mozambican defense forces”.

“This video is not the only one that terrorists broadcast. It is another video, it is another image that they disseminate with the subversive intention of reversing the act carried out against the Defense and Security Forces ”, said the interior minister, quoted by the newspaper O País.

“That is a macabre, unacceptable act. It’s inhuman. The Defense and Security Forces would never do anything like that, ”he said. He adds that “the terrorists, in their macabre actions, beheading their victims, butchering them alive, causing a violent death, without mercy, only demonstrate their brutal character”.

In view of this response from the Government of Mozambique, Aministia Internacional made it known that “an independent and impartial investigation into human rights violations in the province of Cabo Delgado” is urgent.

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