Início » “Nigger, be quiet”: this is how the daycare director accused of mistreatment spoke to a baby

“Nigger, be quiet”: this is how the daycare director accused of mistreatment spoke to a baby

Alexandre Panda

The director of a daycare center in Gaia has been accused by the Public Ministry (MP) of four crimes of ill-treatment perpetrated against four children aged about three. The 55-year-old kindergarten teacher is accused of spanking and pushing, refusing medication and even discriminating against a two-year-old baby for being of African origin.

The woman continues to work in the nursery home. According to the prosecution of the MP of Gaia, everything happened between June 2017 and January 2018, when the defendant, Olivia C., accumulated the functions of a kindergarten teacher with those of technical director of the nursery of Lar Santa Isabel, in Gaia.

The woman was responsible for monitoring a specific group of children aged between 24 and 36 months. The accusation guarantees that as an educator she treated a two-year-old child in a discriminatory way because of his African origin. In front of the classmates, the baby was treated as “nigger”, in expressions like “oh nigger be quiet”. She even denied the baby tsome treats (lollipops) using the expression “there is no candy for you, nigger”.

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