Início » Luanda maternity hospital handles 90 cases of child rape per month

Luanda maternity hospital handles 90 cases of child rape per month

Rodrigues Cambala

The Lucrécia Paim Maternity Hospital in Luanda handles between 60 and 90 cases of children sexually abused by direct family members and neighbors per month. The numbers are growing exponentially, especially in this period when families are confined due to Covid-19

To the Jornal de Angola, the director-general of the referred Maternity, Manuela Mendes, attested that the situation is making doctors and nurses apprehensive, due to the frightening cases that arrive at that hospital every day. “Every day we receive children brutally raped by their elders and, in general, close people. These are terrible violence that destroy the sexual organs of six-month and one-year-old girls ”, reveals the gynecological obstetrician.

Manuela Mendes admits that society is sick and called for the strengthening of men’s education. “It is not easy to operate on a raped child …” noted the doctor, who defended the increase in penalties for men caught raping children.

Read more in Jornal de Angola

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