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UNESCO asks for clarification on buildings near the Lighthouse

UNESCO says it has asked China for clarification on issues raised by the Guia Lighthouse Safeguard Group. Concerned, “the construction of tall buildings in the vicinity” of the lighthouse, a monument classified by UNESCO as a world heritage site

This is what is read in the response of the United Nations agency for Education, Science and Culture, to which TDM – Rádio had access.

The document comes about three months after the Guia Lighthouse Safeguard Group alerted UNESCO to “two critical issues that remain unresolved in safeguarding the visual integrity and visual corridors” of the lighthouse.

On the one hand, the “urgent need to reduce the height of an unfinished construction building on Calçada do Gaio”, and, on the other hand, the fact that the 90 meter limit along Avenida do Dr. Rodrigo Rodrigues is “unsuitable for protect the visual integrity of the lighthouse and visual corridors ”.

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